Gettin' honey is what Tiggers do best! I'll just knock that ol' honey hive down with my special Stickeroo! (he throws his "Stickeroo" at the honey hive, but it comes back and heads toward Tigger and Rabbit) Rabbit: I need to get some honey from that hive.Tigger: (laughs) Well, of course, they are! It would- Uh, what's a knot?.Rabbit: I hope these strings are double-knotted!.Tigger: NO! DUCK!! (the stickeroo whirls past Rabbit, and the branch he's standing on bounces).Rabbit: No! Not a duck! (flaps his arms again) Like a.(Rabbit successfully climbs up the tree to a branch, and stands upside-down) Rabbit: Say, Tigger, you're right! These work wonderfully! I feel like a.Rabbit: (with wall-walker shoes on) Are you sure this'll work?.MY OWN BOOKEND!! (goes hysterical) All the time! All the time! Brrr! (laughs insanely falls onto his wheelbarrow, which rolls down the hill) Oh, no! Rabbit: (embraces his bookend) At last! I finally have the other bookend! Now all I have to do is go to the dump and get my old one back! (sets off).(goes back into his house, then comes out with Rabbit's bookend) Here you are, Rabbit. Pooh: Oh, my! Thank you, Rabbit! I hope it wasn't too much trouble.Rabbit: (arrives at Pooh's to collect his bookend) Here you go, Pooh."Duck" is said throughout this episode, because of a boomerang.Interestingly, the title cards spells the word “ Honey” instead of “Hunny”.Rabbit and Tigger were the main focus of this episode.It reuses the first image of Tigger and Roo bouncing with Eeyore. Before this, the first image is Tigger and Roo bouncing with Eeyore (“ Donkey for a Day”). Starting with this episode, the main title sequence isn’t changed just yet.This episode, along with Trap as Trap Can is included on the Winnie the Pooh: Springtime with Roo, DVD release, as a bonus episode and VHS.Rabbit is over the moon at first, but unfortunately, the stickaroo quickly crashes into his house and knocks over the books and the bookends once again! Back in Rabbit’s house, Pooh, Tigger, Piglet and Roo come to Rabbit’s house they have made their own bookend just for Rabbit. Rabbit falls into the wheelbarrow and rolls down the hill. Pooh trades for the “mate bookend", but Rabbit immediately finds out that he’s been chasing after the bookend he gave away in the first place. Later, Rabbit goes to Pooh's house with 5 jars of honey. Unfortunately, the stickaroo knocks the bottle with the bees’ cork off, and the bees chase him. Luckily, this causes the honey tree to fall over, and they easily retrieve the honey. Finally, they try using a see-saw trick, but even this fails and sends Rabbit flying into the tree. Next, they try swinging Rabbit on a rope attached to the honey tree, but fails when the rope is too long, pushing Rabbit into the ground. But Rabbit smashes into the tree, causing Tigger to circle the tree and tie Rabbit to it. Next, Tigger tries to ride a bike with Rabbit attached to a kite to get him into the tree. Unfortunately, Tigger doesn’t know what a knot is, and Rabbit falls.

Tigger gives Rabbit plungers for feet, and he easily climbs the tree, and ducks from the stickaroo. He attempts to use his stickaroo to get the hive down, but it chases after him. He tries climbing the tree, but he fails.

Rabbit goes home and realizes he only has four jars, and decides to get the honey himself. Rabbit has to promise 5 jars of honey, and he reluctantly agrees. Rabbit misunderstands and thinks it’s the mate to the bookend he threw away. As soon as Piglet leaves, Rabbit arrives and Pooh brings him in to show him his bunny. Piglet decides to give the bunny to Pooh as a spring present. Then he trades his bunny for Piglet’s tennis ball. Roo goes over to Piglet’s house and realizes his snow-shoes are tennis rackets. Just after Rabbit dumps the stuff, Roo comes along and finds the bunny and tennis rackets for snow-shoes. Rabbit says that if he can’t find the matching bookend, he might as well dump it. Rabbit’s books and Rabbit’s bookend fall off the shelf. Then Tigger immediately comes back in the house to return the book he borrowed. Rabbit easily gets him out of the house by giving him a boomerang and Tigger calls it a “stickaroo”. Rabbit is happily spring cleaning and as he is about to open his door to take his junk outside, Tigger bounces on him. It also contains Spoilers for Everything. Spoiler Warning! This article contains plot details about an episode, Movie, Video game, Book, or Something in Pooh's content.